Asset Investigations

You Got Your Judgment...Now What?

There are many reasons your company might seek to recover assets from another organization or an individual. In a lawsuit involving fraud, employment matters, personal injury, or fiduciary responsibility, for example, if the case results in a successful judgment then the process moves to the asset recovery phase.

However, it can be extremely difficult to find sufficient assets to collect on a judgment. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 80% of all judgments are never collected on, in part because it has become increasingly easy for businesses and individuals to hide their assets. There is a treasure trove of websites and books that outline how to hide what you own, along with asset protection companies that help companies and individuals erase their digital footprint and essentially become invisible.

Subrosa investigators are experts in the research, investigation, and planning necessary for successful asset searches. Over many years, Subrosa has developed a proprietary analytical process for asset searching and asset recovery that enables us to locate concealed and undisclosed assets and to assist clients in successfully recovering assets that are lawfully theirs.

We conduct cost-effective asset searches during the evaluation phase of a legal strategy, in anticipation of a prejudgment or in connection with an awarded judgment. Our extensive knowledge of fraudulent activity and continually updated awareness of asset protection legislation are vital components to ensuring successful asset searching and recovering assets.

We carefully evaluate the details of your case to determine the most effective ways to accomplish the goals of the investigation as rapidly and economically as possible. Contact the Subrosa team today to learn how we can help with your asset investigations.